JavaScript Toy: 3D Hypercube
Hypercube is a JavaScript toy that’s sort of pretty, and kind of fun. It uses trigonometry to place “vertices” in a 3D configuration. It was written before HTML5 and canvas were things, it uses html characters as the vertices.
Click here to check out the demo. Follow the instructions carefully.
Here’s the money shot:
function render()
//loop through all 27 vertices
vertIndex = 0;
for (x =- dimension; x <= dimension; x += dimension)
for (y =- dimension; y <= dimension; y += dimension)
for (z =- dimension; z <= dimension; z += dimension)
//calculate the position, size, and color of the vertices based on the mouse coordinates (a, b)
u = x;
v = y;
w = z;
u2 = u * Math.cos(a) - v * Math.sin(a);
v2 = u * Math.sin(a) + v * Math.cos(a);
w2 = w;
u = u2;
v = v2;
w = w2;
u2 = u;
v2 = v * Math.cos(b) - w * Math.sin(b);
w2 = v * Math.sin(b) + w * Math.cos(b);
u = u2;
v = v2;
w = w2;
var c = Math.round((w + 2) * 70);
if (c < 0) c = 0;
if (c > 255) c = 255;
//assign the calculated value to the current vertex
with ($verts[vertIndex].style)
left = hCenter + u * (w + 2) * vertSpacing;
top = vCenter + v * (w + 2) * vertSpacing;
color = 'rgb(0, ' + c + ', 0)';
fontSize = (w + 2) * vertSize + "px";
This calculates the position of each vertex in space relative to the center of the window, then sizes and colors it appropriately to imply 3D positioning.